Friday, September 12, 2014

Freezing Tomatoes

    Organic tomatoes are expensive, and hard to find in our area. I would love to be an expert canner, but I struggle with it. I've dumped out more jars of food that I ruined than I like to admit. Therefore, my preserving method of choice is freezing. One year I froze my tomatoes whole, but then you have big chunks of peeling in whatever dish you prepare, and your uses are limited. Last year I used the following method and it worked great. It is really quick, today it took me less than 20 minutes start to finish. I put a pot of water on to boil and went to pick tomatoes. I washed the tomatoes and put them in the boiling water for about a minute, just until the skins started to split.

    Take them out and let them cool for a few minutes or you'll regret it.

    I planted Romas and another kind that I didn't keep the tag for, so I can't remember the name. Any kind will do.

     Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the stem.


     I added all the tomatoes to a bowl and mixed the two types together.

     I labeled quart Ziploc freezer bags and added about two ladles to each bag.

  Press as much air out of the bags as you can. You can either freeze them flat or have all the tomatoes at the bottom. I like to put them all in a container together in the freezer for better organization.  Happy preserving!

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