Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weird things happen at our house.

We have four cats. Don't judge. They are indoor/outdoor critters, but they prefer to be indoors. I throw cats out a dozen times a day, and every time the door opens a couple more rush in. They love to be in the bathroom, and occasionally get locked in since we usually keep the door shut. The other day I heard a terrible banging noise from the bathroom and knew a cat was locked in there, but I was trying to get Nora down for a nap so I ignored it. When I did look in the bathroom, the cat was sleeping peacefully...... but the bath mat was bunched up by Nora's brand new, never been used potty chair, and a T-shirt I'd left on the floor was stuffed in the bowl of the potty chair. I carefully checked out the bath mat, but it was clean. The visible part of the shirt was clean too. As I slowly lifted the shirt I noticed that only the bottom part was wet. The only conclusion I can reach is that the cat peed  in the potty chair and "buried" it with my shirt.  I find it ironic that the cat will use the potty chair but the child acts like she's being dangled over the Grand Canyon if you try to put her on it.