Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The chickens are coming!!

I ordered 30 chickens on Monday.  Being chicken ranchers will be a new experience for my little family. We always had chickens when I was a kid, and I kind of miss it. It was my job to feed them and gather and wash the eggs. Ironic in a way, since I don't eat eggs.  These beauties won't be egg producers, they are mostly going to be males, and we are raising them for meat. I ordered 15 Cornish Roasters and 15 assorted "All Heavies".

A couple of months ago I watched part of a documentary called "Food Inc." and it was disturbing.  The "Farm to Table" movement is gathering momentum, and I'm ready to hop on board. I want our meat to be raised and butchered in a humane way and have some control over what they are being fed, and I'm lucky enough to have family willing to help!

The chicks are coming in the mail the week of June 9th, and will be going to Corey's parent's house. They have a fish house that we'll convert into a coop. I haven't even told the kids yet, but they are going to love it. I can see Nora being a little too lovey to the baby chicks, so we'll have to protect the little birdies from the babe. That being said, you can expect to see some adorable pictures in the near future!

My Mother in Law Peggy would like to get a pair of Banty chicks if anyone knows of a local breeder.  With our order we will get one random "exotic" chick so there may be one egg layer. I'm hoping we don't get one of those turkey neck chicks that don't have any feathers on their neck or head. Not cute.

If anyone wants to help butcher in about 12 weeks give me a call!  I'll pay in lunch and beer!