Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Stabbed in the Back

    I had my second visit to the health and wholeness center. First I met with a Nurse Practitioner who does an overall health assessment. During our talk she pointed out that I've had liver, pancreas, kidney, and colon issues. So, I'm feeling like the picture of health!  Quite a bit of her practice is based on ayurvedic medicine, which I'm not really familiar with. It originated in India thousands of years ago and the first step is to decide which of the three "Doshas" you are.  She decided I was Vata which is the energy of movement. I'm out of balance so she recommended a specific diet as well as a food journal. Some of the main restrictions of the diet were: No meat and dairy together, no meat and grains together, and fruit must be eaten alone. I've been really bad and haven't followed the diet or even started a journal. I worked quite a bit and have been running with sports and long weekends away from home and haven't made it a priority. 

     After the wellness consultation I went to have my acupuncture. This time I had to change into a gown as the needles were going to go in my back. I had one in the top of my head and two in the base of my skull. I had 16 in my back, one in each elbow, one in each wrist, and several in my legs and feet. The one that bothered me the most was in the back of the knee. It just feels like a part of the body that should really be protected.  Again the lights were turned low and the music was turned on. The heat lamp was placed over my back and I was left alone for the whole 20 minutes. It actually went really quickly. When he came back in he took some of the needles out and did some muscle release in my neck and back. It was uncomfortable but not as bad as last time. He used some essential oil and I believe it was Sacred Mountain from Young Living and I absolutely loved it. I felt so relaxed after the treatment I could hardly get up. It almost felt like being drugged. I just wanted to roll on my side and sleep!!

     I have my third session tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. I don't know if it has helped anything yet, but I feel peaceful and good after the sessions so I'm planning to do a few more.